
Acoustic Guitar Magazine (June 1996) by Russell Letson
"Reid does more than you would have thought possible with this instrument:
not just Joplin rags and country, but blues (slide blues at that) piano-bench
classics, Chuck Berry-ish rock, Celtic music, Bach's Minuet in G, and the
flamencoesque "Andelusia Revisited." Dan Crary, Moondi Klein and
David Surette play guitar on several cuts, but the rest is just Reid and
his Deering six and 12-strings, and a couple of Third Hand Capos.
It's a revelation and a delight."
Victory Review (Feb 96) by Chris Lunn
"...the timing, light and percussive attacks, the sensibility to
the instrument and to the tunes shines out. This is a must buy for guitar
and banjo players and brings a new instrument to our repertoire."
San Diego Bluegrass News (Jan 1996) by Julie Koehler
"Artistry of the 6-String Banjo" is a dynamite exploration
of what the Deering Maple Blossom 6 and 12-string banjos can accomplish
in the hands of a master. Tuned like guitars with guitar necks, the instruments
are unmistakenly banjos. The 21 tunes cover a medley of genres, including
ragtime and sea shantys, bluegrass and traditional, classical and Reid originals.
Mostly an instrumental album, seventeen cuts are Reid solos.
But before you run for the cross and garlic at the thoughts of an all-banjo
album, know that in the hands of Harvey Reid, the banjo becomes as sweet,
as bluesy, as soulful as the guitar or violin.
Where others fall short at producing the sustain necessary to play a
slow banjo solo, Reid's skill (both playing and arranging) offer melodies
that not only entertain but please the ear. One minute you'll find yourself
in Granny's parlor at the turn of the century, the next you're dancing on
the deck with Popeye, you'll fondly rediscover the 50's rock and roll style,
then you're jamming around the campfire.
A very unusual album, banjo players, guitar pickers and acoustic music
enthusiasts in general will find this CD to be immensely enjoyable, inspiring,
relaxing and fun.
"Artistry of the 6-String Banjo is Harvey Reid's unique and daring solo
exploration of what the Deering Maple Blossom 6 and 12-string banjos can accomplish,
and in the hands of a master such as Reid, it's a lot. Tuned like guitars but
sounding unmistakenly like banjos, these instruments have produced 21 tunes
covering an array of genres, including ragtime and sea shantys, bluegrass and
traditional, classical plus 10 Reid originals ranging in mood from haunting
to 50's rockabilly to bouncy fun.
This mostly instrumental album offers 17 Reid solos (Dan Crary, Moondi Klein
and David Surette assist on the other 4) but before you run for the cross and
garlic at the thoughts of an all-banjo album, know that in the hands of Harvey
Reid, the banjo becomes as sweet and soulful as the violin, as bluesy as steel
slide, or as rockin' as the guitar.
Where others fail to produce the sustain necessary to play a slow banjo tune,
Reid's performing/arranging skill create melodies that not only entertain but
please the ear. One minute you'll find yourself in Granny's parlor at the turn
of the century, the next you're dancing on the deck with Popeye; you'll gleefully
rediscover 50's rock and roll, then find yourself at a campfire jam or a classical
recital. Continuity is maintained by Reid's depth of expression and clarity
of tone.
Reid's CD's always include some of the best and most literate liner notes in
town. Full of technical info and general comments about each song, plus a comprehensive
instrument list and thoughtful, explicit credit given to additional personnel,
Harvey Reid's intellect, wit and dry humor make for thought-provoking reading.
A very unusual album, banjo players, guitar pickers and acoustic music enthusiasts
in general will find this CD to be immensely enjoyable, tremendously diverse,
relaxing and always fun. What makes Harvey Reid's work so special in today's
music scene? You'll no doubt find your own explanation, but the journey itself
will undoubtedly be worthwhile. "
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