An open letter to the "alternative" media
I have been an independent musician for 21 years, and most of that time,
it has been a life of steady but rewarding hard work, like being a pro ball
player who's not in the major leagues. I still have as little interest in
show-biz as I ever had, but it seems show-biz is now interested in invading
my world. It might glamorize my world, and it might not. What happened to
all the people who invented country music? Many of them are still alive
and productive, but they have been pushed off the airwaves. Now we have
New Country. Try to find Webb Pierce, Ray Price or Melba Montgomery on the
radio. The young, beautiful ones with perfect teeth and voices and expensive
haircuts have stolen their gigs. There were strict laws in the 1300's against
impersonating Minstrels, and I'm beginning to think we need some now.
As you may suspect or know, the forces of Hollywood, Nashville, Disney,
Sony and Madison Avenue maintain an all-out, around-the-clock assault on
our culture, and their influence on you is staggering. They have a huge
hand in deciding what books are on the shelves, what gets aired on the radio
and TV, who is being mentioned or interviewed and reviewed, and they maintain
an immense power over what is in a record store, especially the big chain
stores. It's no conspiracy or coincidence. It's just big business.
Look around you, and you will see that the 3 kinds of art that can make
corporations rich (namely: books, movies and music) are literally taking
over the media's arts coverage, and the hundreds of other types of art are
getting less & less press. (It all has to do with ownership of copyright:
a safe, clean way to essentially print money for about 100 years without
fear of theft, natural disasters, wars, politics or environmental problems.)
This itself is not new; what is new is that the mainstream seems to no longer
content with being mainstream, and they suddenly want to be "alternative",
because that is what is cool, and what is cool seems to sell. And what does
this do to those of us who are truly alternative and independent?
Even as I am writing this I hear Terry Gross starting up her NPR interview
show Fresh Air with guest Boy George. As if he is the interesting and obscure
person that used to be the type of person that public radio went looking
for. I am remembering how many times this last couple months I have heard
Merle Haggard, Linda Ronstadt, Van Morrison, Kathy Mattea, Stephen King,
and other major-name entertainers, not on the cover of Parade Magazine where
they used to be, but on public radio. As were reviews of Batman, Michael
Jackson and Pocahontas and all the mainstream stuff. Folks, public broadcasting
is not a backwater anymore, it's not counter-culture, and your chances of
encountering something from out of the mainstream are diminishing daily.
The big-money publicists and demographers have figured out that people who
watch, read and listen to "alternative media" are a major target
for marketing. It's the only place guys like me get heard at all, and now
we have to compete with the big guys. The immense success of Unplugged,
Seattle grunge bands, and the massive appeal among young people for so-called
"alternative" bands have made it increasingly important for the
products put out by Warner Bros. and Sony to look like alternative products.
Like Budweiser's Red Dog beer that's made to imitate a micro-brewery
product, the big labels are now making bogus "indie" labels and
distributors, made to look like they are independent, because it's what
people seem to want. Seems like everybody wants to be called a Troubadour,
even if they have 3 tour buses! I was just informed that people on the payroll
of major labels pretend to be fans to review albums and concerts and create
phony "excitement" and make it look like there is a grass-roots
buzz on the Internet. A book publisher recently got caught rigging the New
York Times Bestseller's list to make their books look more popular. Same
sort of thing.
Does this surprise you? It shouldn't. Should it annoy you? Yes. The amount
of money to be made in entertainment is staggering. Where there's money,
there is sleaze. And now there is big money in seeming to be an alternative
artist, and it is severely impairing the ability of us true independents
to survive. We are being shoved off the playing field by wolves in sheep's
clothing, and only if you people remain vigilant and support us, and resist
the phony marketing attempts of corporate poseurs trying to look like real
Minstrels, we may vanish. I feel that it is the job of the alternative media
to not just tell their readers and listeners about about the same mega-movies,
books and records they already can't avoid hearing about everywhere else.
We are in danger of having no counter-culture, (witness Woodstock II) and
it will be a far less-interesting world if we allow Time-Warner and Sony
and Ted Turner to control all of our entertainment. Be aware that you are
being blinded, treasures are being hidden from you. To find a hand-made
quilt you have to look somewhere other than Wal-Mart.
Woody Guthrie said it: The radio stations "...belong to some rich guy
and he don't want to listen to us poor folks sing." Just buy our records
and come to our concerts, and remind yourself of the difference between
hand-made and corporate art. How would you like to have those "paintings"
they hang on the walls at McDonald's in your living room and have to look
at them every day? Do you really want to be entertained only by millionaires?
Do you want to spend your concert $ to watch a show in a stadium, where
the performer looks like a well-lit ant ? That's where we're headed with
mega-mergers and big-business music swallowing the music industry.
So don't forget to support your favorite authentic independent minstrels.
Somebody's got to do this music thing, and if we who do it didn't, you might
have to quit your job and sleep in those rest areas yourself.

[up to Harvey Reid's 1995 Newsletter]
5 Fernald Ave York
Maine 03909 USA
phone (207) 363-1886

This web site
concerns the music and life of acoustic musician, writer & music educator Harvey Reid.
you don't find what you want, or if you have comments or questions, please email
5 Fernald Ave York
Maine 03909 USA
phone (207) 363-1886

This web site
concerns the music and life of acoustic musician, writer & music educator Harvey Reid.
you don't find what you want, or if you have comments or questions, please email